(+91) 4985-209699

About Us

Celebrating Living Heritage and Empowering Communities Worldwide

The Inter City Intangible Cultural Cooperation Net Work (ICCN) is a dynamic International Organization uniting Local Governments and Cultural Institutions. We champion the pivotal role of intangible culture in fostering sustainable local development.


Why Join ICCN?


Connect with like-minded communities, governments, and cultural institutions globally.


Be part of a global movement advocating for the importance of culture in sustainable development.

Capacity Building

Access resources and knowledge to enhance your ability to preserve and promote intangible cultural heritage.


Explore and contribute to creative policies through our collaborative workshops and assemblies.

What We Do

Advocacy (Policy Making)

The ICCN notes that Intangible Cultural Heritage is under threat from indiscreet globalisation and unsustainable developmental policies.

Sustainable Local Development

ICCN believes the crucial role of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in sustainable local development.

Cultural Exchanges

The ICCN has been always supportive for the cultural exchanges among our members.

Full Members
Associate Members


Events & Activities

General Assembly

The General Assembly, the sovereign body of ICCN, convenes biennially to determine general policies and principal functions.

Thematic Workshops

Thematic Workshops, held biennially with additional sessions on special occasions, focus on specialized themes.

Meetings and Festivals

ICCN has hosted various international festivals, women’s forums, and youth forums. Annual meetings and workshops were held

Recent Activities

The 8th General Assembly was held online in 2021 from Guangneung, Republic of Korea. In 2022, the 10th Thematic Workshop

Come, Let’s Make Cultural Peace! Be a Part of ICCN

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Feel Free to Contact Us

You can always contact us through the contact form on the right or in the contact page, email, through phone.


Phone: (+91) 4985-209699


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