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About Us

ICCN > About Us

Let’s make Cultural Peace!

The Inter-City Intangible Cultural Cooperation Network (ICCN) is the only international organization of local governments and cultural organizations that aim to safeguard the world’s Intangible Cultural Heritage. The ICCN has been working to explore creative and effective policies for the safeguarding of local Intangible Cultural Heritage and its inseparable relation to sustainable local development. Furthermore, we aim to make cultural peace based on mutual understanding formed through intercultural dialogue.


The Inter-City Intangible Cultural Cooperation Network (ICCN) emerged from the visionary efforts of the World Assembly of Mayors and local authorities in Guangneung, Republic of Korea in 2004. Officially founded in Egypt in 2008, the ICCN has since dedicated itself to the preservation of the world’s intangible cultural heritage and its close association with sustainable local development.

Our version & Mission


Worldwide living heritage celebrated and communities empowered


To cooperate with local authorities/cities for equal and friendly sharing of living heritage
To realize the well being of communities with local culture

Why we exist


The ICCN acknowledges the vulnerability of Intangible Cultural Heritage to indiscreet globalization and unsustainable development policies. Recognizing that local governments are the primary custodians, ICCN takes measures to develop strategies and advocate for creative and effective policies to safeguard intangible cultural heritage at the local, national, and international levels.

Philosophy and Beliefs

ICCN firmly believes in the critical role of Intangible Cultural Heritage in sustainable local development. The organization promotes a creative economy that combines culture, represented as ‘sensibility,’ with existing knowledge and technology, fostering local development and identity. This approach aims to inspire local creativity through intangible cultural heritage, leading to sustainable development and placing locals at the forefront of the future.

The ICCN’s journey reflects a commitment to fostering cultural peace through intercultural dialogue, celebrating diversity, and empowering communities to safeguard and perpetuate their unique intangible cultural heritage.

Let’s make Cultural Peace!

Frequently asked questions


Currently The ICCN HQ is located at Payyanur in the Kannur District of Kerala State in India.

You can request to join ICCN through the Join ICCN link or by contacting us through mail, phone, or through the contact form in the contact page?

You can request to become a volunteer in ICCN through the Become a volunteer link.

Yes, There is a fee for joining ICCN and the fee structure is given in the Join ICCN page?